




"演示固定式燃料电池单元的容量约为 500 千瓦,并重复使用了先前租用的本田 Clarity 燃料电池汽车的燃料电池系统,其设计允许每 250 千瓦的输出功率增加 4 个燃料电池,"本田表示在一份声明中。"它的特点是可以灵活地改变燃料电池单元的布局,以适应安装环境,并适应立方体、L 形、Z 形和其他包装配置。"


这家日本集团表示,Clarity Fuel Cell 的燃料电池堆的抗冲击能力是其他燃料电池的四倍,因为它用紧固杆支撑电池。它旨在防止碰撞中的氢气泄漏。Clarity 燃料电池具有燃料电池动力总成、氢气/空气供应系统、空气压缩机、燃料电池电压转换器单元 (FCVCU) 和驱动电机。


"有了 Clarity 燃料电池,改进的电池性能可以减少 30% 的电池数量,改进的电池结构可以使每个电池的尺寸减少 20%,"该公司表示。"这些改进使燃料电池堆体积缩小了 33%。"


2 月初,本田透露计划明年推出基于 CR-V 5 座 SUV 的全新燃料电池电动汽车 (FCEV)。该公司表示,还将与通用汽车合作,在公开市场上销售其燃料电池系统,以推广其氢燃料电池系统。这将使其达到规模经济。


Honda has unveiled a new stationary fuel cell power station at its corporate campus in Torrance, California. The demonstrator will provide backup power to the campus data center and will be powered by green hydrogen.

"The demonstration stationary fuel cell unit has a capacity of approximately 500 kW and reuses the fuel cell systems of previously leased Honda Clarity Fuel Cell vehicles, with a design that allows the output to increase every 250 kW packaged with four fuel cells," Honda said in a statement. "It features the flexibility to change the layout of the fuel cell units to suit the installation environment and to accommodate cubic, L-shaped, Z-shaped, and other packaging configurations."

The Japanese group said the Clarity Fuel Cell's fuel cell stack is four times more impact-resistant than other fuel cells, as it supports the cells with a fastening bar. It is designed to prevent hydrogen leakage in collisions. The Clarity fuel cell features a fuel cell powertrain, a hydrogen/air supply system, an air compressor, a fuel cell voltage converter unit (FCVCU) and a drive motor.

"With the Clarity Fuel Cell, improved cell performance allows a 30% reduction of the number of cells, and improved cell structure allows a 20% size reduction of each cell," said the company. "These improvements lead to a 33% smaller fuel cell stack."

In early February, Honda revealed plans to launch an all-new fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) based on the CR-V 5-seater SUV next year. It said it will also sell its fuel cell systems on the open market to promote its hydrogen fuel cell systems, in cooperation with General Motors. This will allow it to reach economies of scale.


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